2021-11-19 来源: 浏览次数:0
序号 | 成果类型 | 成果名称 | 成果级别 | 期刊名/出版社/主管部门 | 成果主持人 |
1 | 论文 | A Research on High-Power LED Lighting Drive Based on Buck-Boost Converter | ISTP | Advances in Computer Science Research | 徐仁伯 |
2 | 论文 | Research and Implementation of a Boost Semiconductor Lighting Driver with Average Current Double Loop Control | ISTP | Advances in Computer Science Research | 徐仁伯 |
3 | 论文 | VR Open Computer Network Virtual Laboratory Based onBig Data Technology | EI会议 | IOP CONFERENCE SERIES;2020 international conference on building technology and computer science | 肖守柏
4 | 论文 | Discussion on the teaching method of "computer basis" in Tibet class | ISTP检索论文 | ICICEE2017/DEStech Publications,Inc | 丁小峰 |
5 | 论文 | 赣派传统民居引入空间设计课程探索研究 | 普通论文 | 大经贸创业圈.广东省出版集团 | 侯利霞 |
6 | 论文 | 安义古村门的建筑意义解读 | 普通论文 | 卷宗.人文社会科学版 | 侯利霞 |
7 | 论文 | Discussion of Related Issues in the Design of High Frequency Transformer and Its Application | EI | International Conference on Applications and Techniques in Cyber Intelligence ATCI 2019 | 李少义 |
8 | 论文 | Application of Key Technologies of Efficient and Intelligent Electric Vehicle Charging Pile With Solar Photovoltaic | EI会议 | Frontier Computing | 徐仁伯 |
9 | 论文 | Research Application and Development of Key Control Technologies of Semiconductor Lighting with Solar Photovoltaic | EI会议 | Frontier Computing | 徐仁伯 |
10 | 论文 | Calculation of Fuzzy Control in MPPT of Photovoltaic Power Gcneration system | EI会议 | Frontier Computing | 徐仁伯 |
11 | 论文 | An Application of Face Recognition Technology in University Classroom Teaching | EI会议 | IEEE CSEI 2020 | 陶阳 |
12 | 论文 | Research on the Application of VR Technology in Military Electronic Countermeasure Teaching | EI会议 | IEEE CSEI 2020 | 陶阳 |
13 | 论文 | Analysis Method for Customer Value of Aviation Big Data Based on LRFMC Model | EI会议 | Springer ICPCSEE 2020 | 陶阳 |
14 | 论文 | Improved PCA Face Recognition Algorithm | EI会议 | Springer ICPCSEE 2021 | 陶阳 |
15 | 论文 | 基于Arduino的声光报警器的设计与实现 | 普通论文 | 电脑编程技巧与维护 | 陶阳 |
16 | 论文 | 基于大数据聚类的化妆品包装符号元素特征提取 | 北大中文核心 | 日用化学工业/中国日用化学工业信息中心/中国轻工集团有限公司 | 吴芳菲 |
17 | 论文 | 点元素视错觉图形在海报留白设计中的应用 | 北大中文核心 | 现代电子技术/陕西电子杂志社/陕西省科学技术厅 | 吴芳菲 |
18 | 论文 | Developmnet Status and Trend of Indoor VR Technology Design Under the Background of Big Data | EI会议 | IOP CONFERENCE SERIES;2020 international conference on building technology and computer science | 邹子博 |
19 | 论文 | 赣县田村花灯文化艺术及其传承研究 | 普通论文 | 中华传奇 | 刘妃艳 |
20 | 论文 | 地域特色美食包装设计研究与实践——以新疆烤馕为例 | 普通论文 | 艺术大观 | 刘妃艳 |
21 | 论文 | 中国传统文化元素在文创产品设计中的应用 | 普通论文 | 中华传奇 | 刘妃艳 |
22 | 论文 | Analysis on the Application of Computer Virtual Reality Technology EnvironmentDesign | ISTP会议 | 2019 9th International Conference on Management and Computer Science (ICMCS 2019) | 侯利霞 |
23 | 论文 | 《VR模型建模技术》课程教学设计研究 | 普通论文 | 教育发展研究 | 李家春 |
24 | 论文 | Appliacation of Graphics And Images In Digital Technology Environment
| ISTP会议 | 2019 International Conference on Smart Grid and Electrical Automation | 徐赛华 |